Thursday, August 18, 2005

Breathing exercises


Deep Breathing – Lie on your back. Breathe evenly and gently, focusing your attention on the movement of your stomach. Continue for 10 breaths. The exhalation should be longer than the inhalation.

Measuring your breath by your footsteps – Walk slowly down the hall or in the yard or sidewalk. Breathe normally. Determine the length of your breath, the exhalation and inhalation, by the number of your footsteps. Let it be natural. Continue this for a few minutes and stop.

Counting your breath – Sit cross-legged on the floor; or sit in a chair with your feet on the floor; or kneel; or lie flat on your back; or take a walk. As you inhale, be aware that “I am inhaling, 1”. When you exhale, be aware that “I am exhaling, 1”. Remember to breathe from your stomach. When beginning the second inhalation, be aware that “I am inhaling, 2.” And slowly exhaling, be aware that “I am exhaling, 2.” Continue on up through 10. After you have reached 10, return to 1. Whenever you lose count return to 1. Continue this for a few minutes and stop.

Following your breath while listening to music – Listen to music. Breathe long, light, and even breaths. Follow your breath; be master of it while remaining aware of the movement and sentiments of the music. Do not get lost in the music, but continue to be master of your breath and yourself. Quiet your mind and body. Do this for two pieces of music (or songs) and stop.


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