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Motivational Interviewing
DVD Set (2 disk)
Motivational Interviewing
Professional Training DVD Series 1998
William R. Miller, Ph.D., & Stephen Rollnick, Ph.D.
Directed by Theresa B. Moyers, Ph.D.
The University of New Mexico
Center on Alcoholism Substance Abuse, and Addictions (UNM/CASAA)
This DVD, produced at the University of New Mexico, provides an introduction to motivational interviewing
by the psychologists who developed it. It is intended to be used as a resource in professional training,
offering six hours of clear explanation and practical modeling of component skills. Because it is helpful
to see how a method is practiced in various contexts, the disc includes clinical demonstrations of the
skills of motivational interviewing, showing ten different therapists working with twelve clients who bring
a variety of problems.
A. Introduction to Motivational Interviewing.
B. Phase 1: Opening Strategies.
C. Handling Resistance.
D. Feedback and Information Exchange.
E. Motivational Interviewing in Medical Settings.
F. Phase 2: Moving Toward Action.
Motivational Interviewing DVD Set (2 disk)
DVD includes:
A. Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
B. Phase 1: Opening Strategies
C. Handling Resistance
D. Feedback and Information Exchange
E, Motivational Interviewing in Medical Settings
F. Phase 2: Moving Toward Action
These sessions (A-F), produced at the University of New Mexico, provide an introduction to
motivational interviewing by the psychologists who developed it. The tapes are intended to be
used as a resource in professional training, offering six hours of clear explanation and practical
modeling of component skills. Because it is helpful to see how a method is practiced in
various contexts, the DVD includes clinical demonstrations of the skills of motivational
interviewing, showing ten different therapists working with twelve clients who bring a
variety of problems.